Reaching people current projects 

Reaching people current projects 

Refurb IT 

Reaching People charity is on a mission to connect your old devices with people in your community who need it. Many people have dreams and ambitions, but all too often these are thwarted by the simple fact that they don’t have digital access and cannot afford to buy a device... 

Health+ Project 

Reaching People manages the Health+ Project. This project has been supported by NHS Charities Together through your local NHS Charities, Leicester Hospitals Charity and Raising Health (Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust). There are a number of different strands to... 

Reaching People Leadership Programmes 

Applications are currently open for the following programmes: Trustee Workshops: Open this: Revised trustee training timetable from November 2021 for dates Workshop 1 - Trustee Leadership: Impact on your OrganisationWorkshop 2 - The Role of the Trustee: Vision &... 

Environmental Projects 

We are exploring opportunities to work together with different projects to learn from each other and find good ways of doing things. We want to help local groups and organizations become stronger and more capable. Funders can support this too... 

Emergency Food Coordination 

Reaching people are commissioned by Leicester City Council to Support and coordinate the community emergency food projects across the city. 

Just ASK 

Reaching People’s Just Access Services Know-how (Just ASK) project is aimed at assisting and meeting the needs of Leicester’s residents in accessing essential information and services, helping to make the unreachable, reachable. 

Past Projects  

Leicester Food bank Plus – 2 year project summary 

Read About - Contact information, Annual report & related links (back) Click on the link below to view the summary: The PROJECT AIM: To ensure that people accessing emergency food services have on-site access to quality information, advice and case advocacy to support... 

Energy Wise Project with CALS 

Energywise was delivered by CALS in partnership with community-based organisations in areas of high deprivation in Leicester. One-to-one advice sessions and energy information events were held in local venues and at partnership organisations. Clients were supported by telephone/email during Covid-19 lockdown periods. 

Moneywise Plus 

Moneywise Plus was a project aimed at improving the ongoing digital and financial competence of people living within Leicester and Leicestershire, supporting them to move towards employment, job search, education or training. Moneywise Plus started in October 2016 and ran until June 2023. 

LAT (Leicester Ageing Together) 

Since October 2015, Leicester Ageing Together has worked to reduce isolation and loneliness among older people in East Leicester. The project worked with over 6,000 older people through the work of 17 partner organisations and focused on supporting communities to help reduce loneliness and isolation themselves. 

E2 Case Study – Holiday Activities & Food (HAF) Easter Programme 

E2, one of the organisations working with Reaching People on the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme, worked with Sally from Samworth Brothers on a case study to highlight their involvement over the Easter break. Samworth Brothers were one of the food providers for the programme. 

Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) – Easter 2021 Programme 

Our Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme aimed to support children who are eligible for free school meals. Working with various providers, the programme provided activities throughout the holidays, including free meals. This supported 2,519 kids and included HAF for the Easter break. 

Holiday Hunger Extension Project & Report 

The Covid Holiday Hunger Project was an extension to the project which began in August 2020, supporting children who could not access Pupil Premium to support their children whilst at home. The Covid Holiday Hunger project worked with various organisations together to support the many families struggling to feed their children. Also provided activity packs and further support for advice. 

BSBT Bread Making Project – SHARING BREAD + 

Completed in January 2019, Reaching People worked across community groups and supported community development. Working in Partnership with Planet Leicester Bakers; This was a tier project that aimed to use bread making as a tool to share values & beliefs and challenge stigma and judgement with staff and volunteers.  

`Extremists exploiting the pandemic’ – Commission for Countering Extremism (CCE) report 

Leicester BSBT partners, LCC was conscious of how extremely busy all of our respective organisations were at the moment, particularly in response to Covid-19 and the renewed lockdown for Leicester and how this is affecting clients and service users of yours. They shared information of the publication by the Commission for Countering Extremism (CCE) led by Sara Khan as lead commissioner. 

Kick Start Scheme with RP & Members 

Reaching People was pleased to participate in this scheme with its member organisations by providing work placements: Action Homeless, b-inspired, The Centre Project, Charity Starts at Home, E2, The Emerald Centre, Leicestershire Cares, Leicester College, New Futures, Th!nk FC, LAMP, VISTA and Diverse Minds.