Delivered by TH!NK FC Taster Days

As part of the Leading in Leicester and Leicestershire Programme, we know that the sustainability of the VCSE future, at all levels, is dependent on empowering our City and County communities. Through their knowing, reflection and action new community connectors are developed. It’s been evidenced, especially during covid, that our greatest asset is the energy, strength and wisdom that is contained within our communities – if asked – they know what is needed, are able to unleash new ideas, build relationships easily and create changes on many levels to sustain their own, and the wider community.
As a result, we started the Community Connector programme, focused on Asset Based Community Development.
Day Sessions
This taster day will give you an overview of ABCD so that you’ll be able to use the techniques immediately.
More information coming soon.
The Community Building Programme is based on the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) approach. It is being delivered and supported by Think FC and supported to gather the learning by the Reaching People Advisory Board. The programme covers:
The principles of ABCD and community action.
Understanding and using key tools.
Based on The Connected Community book by Cormac Russell and nine key tools supplemented by TH!NK tools.
Space to connect and build relationships with other course participants.
Skills to make connections.
Building a reflective community of practice and support.
Celebrating impact and sharing inspiring stories to motivate others to contribute.
Day Sessions
This taster day will give you an overview of ABCD so that you’ll be able to use the techniques immediately.
More information coming soon.
This programme is focused on:
Discovering, exploring and connecting conversations.
Mobilising your community
Sharing strengths and skills
Date: 8th February 2024 10am – 4pm
Eligibility: in paid/unpaid work in VCSE sector in Leicester or Leicestershire
Location: The Grove
Cost: Free
What is ABCD?
Watch Cormac Russell’s talk about ABCD and The Connected Community from our Leading in Leicester and Leicestershire Event on 8th December 2022. These are the ideas that will be explored on Community Connectors Programme.
Read our Blogs
Community Connectors - Helen - December 2023
Getting involved with the Coalville C.A.N crew (volunteering), I found myself put forward to join a Connecting Communities Course and was immersed into the world of Asset Based Community Development (March – Nov’23). -
Community Connectors- LCFC - Dawn June 6th
I started off doing community development with B-active and Fit-active Braunstone- a 1:1 programme of health and fitness where you did everything with them. -
Community Connectors - Coalville CAN
For me, the programme was a great way to reflect and look at the ways I already work in my local community.