About us
Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland has a vibrant and diverse voluntary community and social enterprise sector. Each organisation makes its own vital contribution to the sector whether it influences policy, advocates for its beneficiaries, carries out research, builds capacity or provides direct support, to ultimately achieve the best outcomes for local individuals and communities.
Reaching People believes that through cooperation, collaboration and partnership we can create a sector that is ‘greater than the sum of its parts’, maximizing its effectiveness and impact by:
Sharing learning, expertise, knowledge and skills
Accessing, pooling and targetting resources
Minimising duplication and maximizing reach
Influencing decision makers and agenda setting
Being creative and responsive
OUR VISION: A connected and collaborative VCSE sector responding effectively to the needs of our community.
OUR MISSION: To optimise the effectiveness and impact of the VCSE sector to create positive lasting change for local people.
OUR VALUES: Underpinning and guiding all we do and our relationships with stakeholders:
Cooperation, collaboration and partnership. We work with others to deliver our mission.
Respect. We are professional and act with integrity, trust and mutual respect.
Equity and Inclusion. We promote equity, fairness and diversity.
Informed. Our work is evidence based and demonstrates best practice.
Listen and Learn. We listen to understand, learn and respond.
Transparent. We are open, honest and clear.
Commitment. We are passionate about overcoming barriers and seeking effective solutions.
We strive to:
Encourage, initiate, facilitate, coordinate and manage collaboration and partnership working.
Build the capacity and capability of individuals, communities and VSCE organisations.
Support the VCSE sector to have a voice and influence wider change.
Q: Who are the Reaching People member organisations?
You can view all our members at – Our members
Q: Can anyone join?
Any not-for-profit organisation can apply. There are precise criteria for acceptance, including being local to Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland and meeting all the requirements to deliver a public sector contract. Non-eligible organisations may become associate members.
Q: Is Reaching People a charity? When was it set up, and how large is it?
Reaching People is actually the trading name of a charity, Leicestershire Voluntary Sector Resource Agency, registered charity number: 1072595 and a company limited by guarantee, number 3576786. LVSRA merged with Reaching People in June 2013.
The central charity is, compared with its impact, relatively small. Its total income for the most recent trading year was £127,000. However, the aggregate turnover of its 28 members was around £336m.
Q: Is the structure unbalanced, with such a small core team at the heart of so many delivery organisations?
No. That’s a common question based on a misunderstanding of the nature of the co- ordinating team. This is just the essential co-ordinating infrastructure that oils the wheels for the operation. It is not a delivery or even a project management mechanism. When a project is devised, a management team will be established which has all the functions and all the personnel appropriate to the size and scope of the project.
Q: How often do Reaching People members meet?
That is up to them, and the work. On a project, contact and meetings will be driven by client need. In addition, there are very many informal contacts between members in the course of a year—sharing ideas, information and resources. We also have four scheduled members’ meetings a year, one of which is the AGM. Meetings typically have a guest speaker and an opportunity for members to profile their work.
Q: How much does membership cost?
Payment relates to the annual income of your organisation. Email your query to us at admin@reachingpeople.co.uk so we can advise appropriately.

For more information on Reaching People consortium, don’t hesitate to contact us.
We will be pleased to answer your questions and tell you more about our achievements.