Device Request Process
Refurb IT goal is to promote a circular economy; extend the life of device by saving it from landfill and recycling; raise awareness among businesses and the community and tackle digital exclusion.
To achieve this, Refurb IT collects unwanted but useable personal devices (laptops, tables and smartphones) securely wipes the data, installs a new operating system and then donates the refurbished devices to local VCSE and partner organisations to support individuals and families who are ‘digitally excluded’ to gain the digital skills and confidence they need to do everyday things such as access information, services, connect with others , use email and online accounts, study, find work etc.
Below is the outline of the eligibility criteria and process for VCSE (Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise) and other partner organisations to access the Refurb IT donation scheme.
Organisation Eligibility and Conditions
The organisation must:
• be an established VCSE or partner organisation in Leicester or Leicestershire.
• be able provide or ensure, the intended recipient receives the necessary support and training to ensure they are able to effectively use the device.
• contribute to the project’s continuous improvement; evaluation and promotion by completing an evaluation and providing case studies as requested.
• Ensure that the intended recipient demonstrates a commitment to using the device to improve their digital skills and access online resources that will benefit them.
• Provide the device to the recipient free of charge.
• Ensure that the device from Refurb IT is not exchanged for money.
• Return the device to Refurb IT (to re-gift) if the original recipient declines or no longer needs the device. It must not be passed on to any other individuals. A new application need to be made for that individual.
• clearly communicate to potential recipients and that there is a fair and transparent selection process in place to determine eligibility.
• Ensure the potential recipients meet the ‘individual eligibility criteria’.
Individual Eligibility Criteria
Our aim is to reach those who are most digitally excluded in Leicester and Leicestershire. The organisation requesting a device must ensure their participant meet both ‘limited access’ and ‘need’ criteria:
1. Limited access e.g:
• Income: Individuals with low or no income who would not be able to afford a device.
• Geographic location: Individuals residing in an area with limited access to digital resources, such as remote or rural areas, or in a community that has been identified as being digitally excluded.
2. Need e.g:
• Disability: Individuals with disability who may need digital devices to access necessary services and support.
• Literacy: Low levels of literacy due to barriers such as lower education levels, language skills etc.
• Employment status: Unemployed individuals who may need access to digital resources to find work or improve their job skills.
• Dependents: Individuals with dependents, such as children or elderly parents, who may need digital devices to access necessary services and support.
Please note that our stock and choice of devices is dependent on several factors such as the number of donations coming through, the number that can be refurbished and the demand we have at that time. If necessary, we will prioritise on the basis of the criteria above and the number of devices already donated an organisation.
Refurb IT: 07737 213477