Living in temporary accommodation since April 2020 and unable to bid for council properties or find alternative housing, all compounded by a sanction on his Universal Credit, a client shares the life-changing story about his support from Reaching People’s Moneywise Living project. 
He explains that his situation was further exacerbated by the passing of his mother, leaving him feeling stuck and hopeless about his ability to move forward in life. The isolation of the pandemic worsened his struggles, leading to anxiety and depression. He doubted that anyone could help him to navigate his challenges. 
Helping to overcome challenges 
The client describes how his advisor provided crucial support to help him navigate his challenges: "Initially the advisor helped me to submit proof to Universal Credit that I needed to end my sanction and arranged for payment of a birth certificate and passport photo. They also applied for a household support fund from Leicester City Council to help with a food voucher when I was sanctioned. 
“My advisor also completed an application for a studio flat with Platform Housing and I was able to move into my own property. They helped me to move, get essential items for the property and register for bills." 
Moving forward with life 
The client continues: "The biggest outcome was moving into my own property and gaining the confidence to manage it. I now feel independent and am moving forward with my life. Additionally, my advisor secured a grant for a bike, which allows me to visit family and friends." 
He adds: "The advisor was able to apply for Redress energy vouchers for £294 to help with my energy bills. They also gave me a blanket and some energy-saving light bulbs." 
The client explains that he faced challenges with his all-electric flat but implemented energy-saving suggestions provided by his advisor. "My flat is only electric, so I found I was topping up quite a lot for my electric. The vouchers I received will go a long way to helping with energy. I will also be trying to make the flat more efficient as suggested by turning lights off, putting curtains up and using the electric storage heating efficiently." 
Support was invaluable 
Reflecting on his journey, the client acknowledged that without the advisory service, "I would not have been able to move on from temporary accommodation. Also, I have never had my own tenancy, so the support was invaluable." 
The advisor also provided a SIM card, which was crucial for him. "I received a SIM card which helped as I could not afford to top up my phone. The data was also helpful as I did not have internet in my flat." 
Overall, he says: "I received support and advice when I did not think anyone cared, so it was a really good experience." 
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